05 October 2007

emerging african poets?

I recently had occasion to reflect on what I know of "emerging" African poets -- that is, younger poets, in their 20s and 30s, who are writing, performing, and publishing across the continent.

And I don't know much.

In fits and starts I intend to begin investigating, doing bibliographic research, generally finding out what I can find out. But a little help would be much appreciated.

Who are some of the exciting younger poets who are familiar to you? I am something of a traditionalist, and am interested more in those who have published through more established venues: those who have a collection or two, or chapbook in print (or that's fallen out of print but is available), who publish regularly in newspapers and/or magazines and journals, etc.

If there is an accompanying web presence -- video performance, blog, etc -- all the better; but I am less interested in those poets whose material is available only in these formats or that has been exclusively self-published outside the continent.

Send along names, information, thoughts and I'll post my own findings as well.


Anonymous said...

Chiedu Ifeozo... look him up on facebook...excellent Nigerian poet

Unknown said...

Excellent YouTube "performance" of Ifeozo's poem "Homecoming"...